What Summer Activity Screams Summer the Most

When do you get the giggles because you know summer is here?  For me, it is that first beer outside barefoot.

So how about you? What really screams summer is here!

Is it that first trip the local ice cream shop? The mound of ice cream and sprinkles dripping down your hand. The silliness as the kids frantically try to scoop it all up before losing even a single, precious drop?

Maybe the first boat ride? I love a cruise around town with friends and family just admiring Mother Nature's work and taking in  the smell of the fresh, salty air.

Who can resist delicious seafood especially when it’s fresh!? We love clamming, crabbing and fishing. There is nothing better than devouring something you caught with your kids and admiring all their hard work.

I do love that first little burn, and snuggling up in a sweatshirt next to a beach bonfire.

Maybe it’s a sweaty bike ride in your bathing suit and flipflops?

Whatever drives your excitement, we want to know? There are so many scents that kick the season in for me; sea air, vegetables in bloom, sunblock. So many sounds; the birds, the lawnmower, the airplanes. Visitors, reggae, cold brews, early mornings, toes touching the earth! I just love it all!

So, what does it for you?


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